I need to contact a lawyer, but I don't know any. Can you recommend any names?
To request the names of lawyers, you can contact the Sportello del Cittadino on +39 02/54101935 or consult the list on our website www.ordineavvocatimilano.it/area "albo avvocati" or go directly to the Sportello per il Cittadino (Citizen's Help Desk) (entrance from Corso di Porta Vittoria, counters 2 and 3).

I would like to speak to a councillor of the Bar about problems with a lawyer registered with your Bar, what can I do?
To contact the councillor on duty, please send an email to the following email address iscrizioni2@ordineavvocatimilano.it specifying the reason for and subject of the interview.

What do I have to do to apply for legal aid?
To access the names of lawyers qualified for legal aid, you can consult the website www.ordineavvocatimilano.it in the section dedicated to the "register of lawyers" where lists of lawyers divided by subject are published. In the "Legal aid" area, you will find the form requesting access to legal aid. To access state funded legal aid, you must to be admitted by the Bar Association. For more information, the Information desk for state funded legal aid of the Milan Bar Association is located on the First Floor of the Court of Law (entrance from Largo Biagi - Corso di Porta Vittoria) and is open to the public on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.

What can I do to report misconduct by a lawyer registered with you?
To file a report against a lawyer registered with the Milan Bar Association, you must send a duly signed communication (by ordinary or registered post or by fax to 02/55181003, not by email) to our offices stating the name of the lawyer to whom you are referring, specifying the facts in dispute and giving your contact details.

I do not agree with a lawyer’s fee, can I show it to the Bar Association?
A lawyer's client who considers the fee received from his lawyer inadequate may file an "appeal in prevention", as indicated on the Bar's website www.ordineavvocatimilano.it, in the section marked "Citizen Services", under "Useful Documents". In the appeal, you must to clearly set out the grounds on which the lawyer's fee is contested. The appeal is free of charge and can be submitted to the Bar's offices by ordinary mail.