Business help desk

"Sportello Impresa” (Business help desk) is an initiative promoted by the Milan Bar Association to provide businesses and entrepreneurs with guidance on the rules issued to prevent the spread of Covid-19, to provide support during a time where restrictions are in place and to boost the national economy during the subsequent period.

The service is provided free of charge and will provide targeted guidance, considering the nature of the business, the national law and the specific question raised.

A team of selected lawyers, working voluntarily and free of charge, will be available to provide information on the legal issues that most affect the life of SMEs:

  • corporate and business law;
  • business crisis;
  • labour and social security law;
  • banking law;
  • tax law;
  • corporate criminal law.

To arrange an interview with one of our lawyers, simply fill in the request form (attached) and send it to
The professional will directly contact the user by telephone.
For information on the service, contact the Sportello per il Cittadino (Citizen's Help Desk) by telephone on +39 0254101935 from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm.